
„ in the darkest hour“

aus der Galerie von Sybille Sterk
Über dieses Bild:

© Sybille Sterk
Do not copy or publish this in any way, shape or form without my written permission.
Another a digital collage of images from various (vintage) resources, including some I bought, some which are in the public domain and some from The Graphics Fairy, Vintage Printable and Karen's Whimsy. I added my own flair and and imagination and a little magic to make this.

Even in the darkest hour there is a light to be found... maybe. :-)

Bildnummer: a379497
Pia Schneider gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-01-10 02:38:33 UTC
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-11-28 21:19:22 UTC
Erwin Lorenzen gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-11-28 20:48:10 UTC
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