
„The Battlements of Caerphilly“

aus der Galerie von Ian Lewis
Über dieses Bild:

Looking across the western moat to the towering battlements of Caerphilly Castle in the centre of Caerphilly, South Wales. Castell Caerffili (in Welsh) was built in the late 13th century by Gilbert de Clare in order to secure this part of Wales from being taken over by the Welsh leader Llewellyn. Construction was begun in 1268 but the castle was immediately attacked! Building recommenced in 1271 and now It is the largest castle in ground area in Wales.

Bildnummer: e12f1c1
loewenherz-artwork gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-04-09 13:08:44 UTC
Edgar Schermaul gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-03-19 09:42:51 UTC
Christine Horn gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-03-17 21:21:05 UTC
Bernhard Kaiser gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-03-13 14:12:42 UTC
Colin Metcalf gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2018-03-12 23:07:42 UTC
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