
„The Nativity According To Mary and Benjamin Butterscotch“

aus der Galerie von Miki de Goodaboom
Über dieses Bild:

Watercolour painting of Scottish sheep Mary looking like Mother Teresa and holding in her arms the white little bear Benjamin Butterscotch

Truffle McFurry tells the story:

"Hallo my dear friends, I hope you had all a wonderful Advent weekend.. WE did!
smile emoticon

I know I haven't been much around lately, but I hope you haven't forgotten us. I hope you still remember our lovely Scottish sheep Mary, which had been abandoned by her family in Scotland and been brought back to Spain by Miki&Kevin all the way down from Scotland.

And I hope you haven't forgotten Benjamin Butterscotch, our most little one in the family, that beautiful snow-white mini-bear!    Anyway I was reading the news about Mother Teresa being soon a saint, and I told Mary. We both like knowing what is going on in the world. Mary then said that it was a miracle too that she has herself found such a lovely family to live with, and that she deserved to be a saint too, and that she wanted to be painted like Saint Mary with our new baby meerkat Oleg in her arms. And that she wanted to look like mother Teresa. This is what she most wanted for Christmas, she said!    Miki could not say "no" of course, but Baby Oleg is much too big. Despite being a baby, he is bigger than Mary, so Mary would look very wrong holding Oleg in her arms. It would not be even possible, she has got such thin arms! Mary agreed and then said, she wanted to hold Benjamin Butterscotch in her arms, and we all said that it was a fantastic idea!    So, here she is, the nativity according to Mary and Benjamin Butterscotch ... and Miki of course!    Mary takes the opportunity to send many special hugs and kisses to our new friend from Scotland, Christina, that so lovely lady who is knitting the most wonderful Truffle jumpers in the world!!!    Love you all    xx    Truffle

Bildnummer: 631fe31
Marc Heiligenstein gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2015-12-21 11:14:02 UTC
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