
„The contests of Utgard-Loki“

aus der Galerie von christian-hoejgaard
Über dieses Bild:

Thor and Loki, of the Norse mythology, encounter a giant named Skrýmir and then go with him to Utgard, another giant, whose name literally means "Loki of the Outyards". Here they take part in several contests organized by Utgard-Loki. The tests are all rigged. Loki participate in an eating contest against fire personified. Hjalte compete in running against the mind of Utgard-Loki. Thor wrestles with Elli who is Old Age personified, tries to lift the Midgardserpent appearing as a cat and finally tries to empty a drinking horn connected to the sea. This illustration appeared in a childrens book about norse mythology, published in Denmark by Gyldendal.

Bildnummer: 2621fee
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