
„I Shop. Therefore I Am.“

aus der Galerie von eloiseart
Über dieses Bild:

What a cute piece of art! Of course not EVERY woman (and who says it has to just be women?) feels this way, but a good many do: I shop. Therefore I am. Know anyone like this? Are you looking in the mirror?
................................................If you know an addicted shopper, this would make a really cute gift! Or perhaps this is YOUR mantra - your motto for each day. Hang this painting in the bathroom to help you remember to buy more blush and new earrings.
................................................And what about shoes? Oh High heels, comfortable heels, rubber heels, wooden platforms - and lots of wonderful colors and designs. Did someone say shoes? Did someone say shopaholic? Ahem!!! I shop. Therefore I am.
................................................Pillows! Curtains! New dishes. What a cute rug! The domestic shopper is not to be forgotten. Towels ... sheets ... pillows ... oops! I already said pillows. I love pillows.
................................................Designer brands, boutiques, specialty stores. The mall. Need I say more?? I shop. Therefore I am.
................................................Art. Paintings, sculpture, drawings and more. Fill your soul. Shop.
I shop. Therefore I am.

Bildnummer: 8361245
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-06-29 16:35:12 UTC
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