
„On The Boat In San Jose“

aus der Galerie von Miki de Goodaboom
Über dieses Bild:

Watercolour painting of Teddy Bear Truffle McFurry sitting on a boat in the harbour of the beautiful town of San Jose in the Cabo de Gata in Andalusia in Spain.

Truffle McFurry telle the story:

Hello everybody!

I hope you are all spending a lovely weekend!

As you perhaps know, the whole family was on a 4 day trip to the Cabo de Gata recently. Miki is publishing travel sketches from the trip on her Facebook page, but she has also promised to paint stuff for my own page.

Here I am, on a lovely boat in San Jose. It was not a real boat as such, I think it had never been on the sea. It was there in the harbour as a decoration. We did some photos of me sitting on the boat, and meanwhile 2 oldish fishermen had stopped to watch me, and smile at me. They looked very pleased to see me!    When we were ready with the photo shooting, the two guys approached me and spoke to me. Knowing that bears are good fishermen, they asked me if I was interested to help them and go fishing with them on a real boat. Seeing my seaman outfit, they knew at once I was the real thing, they said!    Well, I was very excited, you can imagine! But not for long... Miki said that I could not go and work on their ship, first I was much too young, it was against the law, and then the sea was quite troubled, and she was scared for me! She can be so overprotective sometimes!    Anyway, I thanked the fishermen and told them that it had been very nice to meet them. Thy were very impressed what a polite little bear I am!!! Well, politeness is very important in our family...    See you soon again    Love you all    xx    Truffle"

Bildnummer: d36380e
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