
„Rooster Breath“

aus der Galerie von eloiseart
Über dieses Bild:

“You may be my favorite pet, Rooster, but oh my, my, what breath you have!... I guess you know that I love you anyway.”
........................................................................This is a watercolor painting done in a traditional and somewhat old-fashioned style. The process begins with the the watercolor. After it dries, ink is used for the details. The result is a soft look reminiscent of days gone by. It is a beautiful painting with a message that transcends time: Whether it’s a pet or a partner, love overlooks the flaws!

Bildnummer: 5897c60
Susanna Badau gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-04-30 19:54:01 UTC
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-09-24 15:35:20 UTC
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