
„Surreal Poppy - Breaking Out“

aus der Galerie von eloiseart
Über dieses Bild:

Look along the left side of the poppy. Do you see the outline of a woman's face? There is a ghost-like forehead all the way to the left-hand side of the canvas and a chin just to the left of the poppy's center. There is a mouth in between. Just above the mouth, there is an eye that is closed and another eye to the right of that one that is open - a blue eye shows. The image of a woman "breaking out" is hidden in the blossom that is opening. Do you see it?

This vivid poppy was painted in watercolor, but in a non-traditional manner. Rather than applying the paint in such a way as to create the usual delicate hues associated with the watercolor technique, the artist applied the watercolor paint in layers just as one would do with acrylic or oil. Thicknesses and layers were varied to create depth and dimension, while still maintaining a vibrant contemporary style, something not usually expected with watercolor. The result is a poppy stepping out with fire and rich color. This red hot blossom of a poppy is sure to be noticed. Just like the technique and style used for its creation, this poppy is surprising. It is edgy, modern, and bold, ready to take the world by surprise.

Definitely non-traditional for watercolor, this piece breaks all the rules. Does it fit your personality? Are you blossoming into someone that is red hot? Do you cause people to expect the unexpected when you enter the room? Are you a rule breaker? Maybe that's part of what makes it so much fun - the hidden meaning! It's a surreal show-stopper for sure!

The bright poppy symbolizes breaking out - no longer closed up and waiting, she throws herself open and takes center stage.

Bildnummer: ca65cdf
Juergen Seidt gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2021-04-07 20:09:04 UTC
Susanna Badau gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-10-28 19:32:01 UTC
Frank Siegling gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2013-09-15 07:33:21 UTC
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