

aus der Galerie von Keith Mills
Über dieses Bild:

An abstract stormy sky painting with suggestions of very active clouds and flashes of lightning. Plenty of activity, movement and a sense of approaching darkness.

Bildnummer: 6f6ac0b
Weitere Bilder des Künstlers
Many-invisible-echoes Quite-comfortable Warm-honey-and-angels Old-stone-angels Corrections Clay-soil-rock-and-ice
Ähnliche Bilder
1530766573-lightning-1056419-1920-59503-6000x0 Eye-of-the-storm-e Pfau-13x18-20211029-0006 Barco-a-la-deriva Submundo
Beate Gube gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2019-09-23 12:03:20 UTC
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