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„Flower-Fireworks - Blumen-Feuerwerk“

from the gallery of Tania Konnerth

Aspiring pink and violet flowers full of energy, searching for light in order to start their dance of life.

Aufstrebende pink- und violett-farbende Blumen voller Energie suchen nach dem Licht, um mit den Tanz des Lebens zu beginnen.

Picture ID: 3518c38
Claudia Evans liked this artwork 2018-01-14 13:14:42 UTC
Tania Konnerth 2014-11-30 10:10:27 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Herzlichen Dank an alle!

Many thanks to all of you!
Bernhard Kaiser liked this artwork 2014-11-11 19:18:15 UTC
loewenherz-artwork liked this artwork 2014-11-11 09:56:02 UTC
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