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„Happy Birthday Libra - Waage“

from the gallery of Walter Zettl

Zodiac sign Happy Birthday Libra - Waage Geburtstagsgrüße Sternzeichen Geburtstagsfeier Geburtstag

Picture ID: 3cb5f10
John Wain liked this artwork 2016-10-04 16:23:10 UTC
Susanna Badau 2016-10-04 09:08:08 UTC
Sehr schön, lieber Walter.
Lg. Susanna
Susanna Badau liked this artwork 2016-10-04 09:07:08 UTC
Walter Zettl 2016-10-03 15:38:44 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Vielen Dank für die vielen Likes, LG Walter
Edgar Schermaul liked this artwork 2016-09-30 07:47:06 UTC
Sandra Vollmann liked this artwork 2016-09-28 04:00:52 UTC
leddermann liked this artwork 2016-09-27 18:46:45 UTC
loewenherz-artwork liked this artwork 2016-09-26 15:07:27 UTC
Bernhard Kaiser liked this artwork 2016-09-26 14:12:11 UTC
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