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„Klein Venedig - Bamberg“

from the gallery of Marion Bönner

Eines der vielen, schönen Fleckchen in Bamberg - klein Venedig.

Little Venice - City Bamberg - Germany

Picture ID: d9ea688
Wolfgang Johann Suhadolnik liked this artwork 2018-12-30 11:19:17 UTC
Marion Bönner 2016-07-21 15:54:48 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Bamberg...ein schönes Fleckchen! Danke für eure likes, lieber Peter und liebe/r freedom-of-art!!!
freedom-of-art liked this artwork 2016-05-05 06:38:33 UTC
Marion Bönner 2016-04-18 15:28:35 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Ich danke euch für eure likes!
Thea Ulrich liked this artwork 2016-03-30 08:32:44 UTC
leddermann liked this artwork 2016-03-26 09:20:36 UTC
Marion Bönner 2016-03-26 07:44:21 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Herzlichen Dank für's mögen!!
Wolfgang Pfensig liked this artwork 2016-03-24 22:35:44 UTC
Edgar Schermaul liked this artwork 2016-03-19 09:04:05 UTC
Marion Bönner 2016-03-11 16:28:00 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Dankeschön für eure weiteren likes!
gelibolu liked this artwork 2016-03-07 07:29:58 UTC
Marion Bönner 2016-02-19 17:52:37 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Herzlichen Dank für die weiteren likes! Das freut mich sehr!
loewenherz-artwork liked this artwork 2016-02-14 14:45:13 UTC
Marion Bönner 2016-02-11 17:49:20 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Ich sage DANKESCHÖN für eure likes!!!
Nicole Bäcker liked this artwork 2016-02-08 21:27:55 UTC
Susanna Badau liked this artwork 2016-02-08 19:37:14 UTC
Peter Bergmann liked this artwork 2016-02-08 17:22:14 UTC
Thomas Matzl liked this artwork 2016-02-08 17:07:17 UTC
Bernhard Kaiser liked this artwork 2016-02-08 16:57:38 UTC
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