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„Life of a Homemaker, a story of Aprons“

from the gallery of Alma Lee

I remember a time when women said they were homemakers with a sense of pride. Their days were about the day to day making of a home, they were proud of it and did it for nothing but love. Love of God, love of husband, love of children and community. My Grandmother attended Homemakers circle once a month for a luncheon/quilting bee to strengthen the bonds of friendship and and good will. Woe to the person that should drop in those circles and say "you should get a job" or "don't you want more out of life for yourself. We don't seem to equate the same value to homemaking these days. We don't even use the term. and yet it is where most of our fond memories lie. Don't get me wrong, I believe in equal pay for equal work and woman's rights. But I believe that those rights should culminate in the freedom to be who we are as women, and show honor and respect to those who through love and self sacrifice have made our homes, wonderful, peaceful, nurturing and loving place to be. I want to honor a generation that seems to have past, and remember they are a huge reason we have good lives today. So let us MAN ourselves with an apron whenever we can and desire and be thankful and proud to call ourselves a homemaker.

Picture ID: 5dbc864
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