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„ROSSO VERDE - Zeitzeichen“

from the gallery of captainsilva

Roma, Rom, Italia, Italien, Italy, wall, Red, Rot, Grün, Green, Verde, Architektur, architecture, Haus, Wand, Hauswand, antik, morbide, grafisch, dekorativ, Zeitzeichen, Stadt, Stadtlandschaft, Häuserwände, Religion, religiös, Fenster, Holzfenster, Farbe, farbig, Komposition, Konstruktion, Farbspiel, alte Wand, antike Hauswand, Rote Farbe, Rosso, red coulour, Stadtzentrum, italienisch,

Picture ID: f83032b
Deleted Person 2011-07-29 17:03:23 UTC
I love your work. You are not afraid of any subject. Bravo!
captainsilva 2011-07-29 17:29:05 UTC
(creator of the artwork)
Thanxxx so much for your lovely words. Merci Silva
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