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„Weinanbau in Barolo, Schloss, Provinz Piemont, Italien“

from the gallery of travelstock44

Weinanbau in Barolo, Schloss, Provinz Piemont, Italien, Barolo, Castello, Castello di Barolo, Chateau, Cuneo, Dorf, Europa, Italien, Landschaft, Langhe, Natur, Panorama, Piedmont, Piemont, Reise, Schloss, Valley, Wein, Weinbau, Weinberg, Weinberge, Weingut, Weinrebe, agriculture, di, europe, farming, fields, green, hills, landscape, outdoor, panoramic, region, scenery, tourist attraction, travel, village, vinery, vineyards, wine, winery, travelstock44, Geographie, Tourismus, Fotografie, Sehenswuerdigkeiten

Picture ID: 00bae87
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