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„Berghotel Mummelsee am Mummelsee im Schwarzwald“

from the gallery of dieterich-fotografie

Das Berghotel Mummelsee am wunderschönen Mummelsee auf 1028,5 Meter am Abhang der Hornisgrinde, Nordschwarzwald, Schwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland.

Picture ID: 81763b6
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080109 083630 Kolner-dom-kopie 083731 083715 079474
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CHRISTINE LAKE liked this artwork 2023-04-14 21:15:40 UTC
Erika Kaisersot liked this artwork 2023-04-14 17:27:41 UTC
Juergen Seidt liked this artwork 2023-04-11 18:08:07 UTC
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